Thursday, March 31, 2011


Ok so its been a little bit since i have written and i sorta lost my groove a little. I have had alot going on in my life this past week or so and just frankly havent had the time or ambition to write. But now that I have a chance to sit down and relax for a little bit (my sick child is relaxing in a bath) I believe its time for some more inspiring moments.

Inspirational Thoughts brought to you in High Definition (where available) (:

I would like for someone to be able to give me some answers to some very confusing things that i deal with every day.

1. Common there such a thing?...if it was common then why do so many people lack this characteristic

2. Hot Water Heater....Why do we waste our time heating HOT water?

3. Teflon..if nothing will stick to does it stick to the pan?

4. Why do we SIT in the STANDS when attending a sporting event?

5. Manslaughter... it really that funny to most men?

6. Why do we Park in a DRIVEway and Drive on a PARKway?

7. In your house is a LIVING there also a DYING room?

Oh I could go on for days.. the english language is so complex and yet so silly at the same time.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Children and some religious insight

I am confused when i look at children anymore. I for one happen to love kids. I am very blessed with the children I have and am looking forward to the newset addition this July. Some people however act as though their children are a burden to them. If this is the case, go get fixed, or stop fucking. Its really not a hard problem to fix. There are so many children out there that have very little or no discipline in their lives and it makes me sick. My 4 year old daughter listens better than alot of kids twice her age or more. Is it because I am mean..maybe you should ask her yourself because I am the furthest thing from mean to my child and she loves and respects me fo that. It humors me that at 4 years old my child knows about respect and yet alot of children and even teens have no clue what it is. This was proven to me today as i was driving down the road and a approximately 10 year old niglet walked across the road in front of my truck. He didnt even make any attempt at trying to hurry. What does this have to do with respect you ask? His parents obviously didnt teach him anyting about crossing a street or having respect for vehicles/ traffic. He walked across the raod taking his time while expressing his cocky little attitude, this is an easy respect issue to fix. My 12,000lb truck will certainly demand repect when the paramedics are pealing his black ass off the front bumper.. I mean honestly, do parents not worry about their children? Several months ago me and my daughter ( 3yrs old at the time) were on our way back from tyrone on old rt. 220, when a teenage boy ran across the road in front of us.. My daughter says in a perfectly calm voice.."Daddy that boy is stupid"/and why do you say this.."because he isnt holding someones hand across the street"..I had to chuckle a little bit because my 3 year old was smarter then the teenage boy, but as i thought about it, when i was a teenage boy I wouldnt wanna hold my parents hands while walking across the road. But I was also taught not to run in front of cars lol.. Do parents not worry about their children or care about them? Because my daughter is my world and I would do anything to prevent her from being hurt, and she knows how much she means to me and she respects what i tell her. I honestly have no problem whatsoever leaving my child play on my sidewalk or in the parking lot at the garage, because she respects me and my rules as well as she has been taught a certain respect and fear of things she has no control over such as vehicles.  And by no means am i saying that children should be made to fear their parents, but I do firmly believe that love, fear, and respect are all required to maintain any kind of healthy relationship. My daughters biggest fear is making her daddy mad. Not because she is afraid of being beaten because I have never, but because she "doesnt want her daddy to be mad because she loves him." If more parents cared about the lives of their children the way i do i thinkchildren would be raised alot differently then what I see everyday. anyone ready for some Religious insight?  Haha oh well...;.Here it comes......It has recently came to my attention that a "religious group" is claiming that the world is going to end on May 21, 2011... Wow, i hope their right. I am not an overly religious person and i no longer go to church for some kind of messed up personal reasons, but even though alot of you may find it hard to believe, I do believe in God and I believe that we will all have to answer to him one day. This group of yahoos is claiming to have done research on the topic and determined this date through biblical reference. Yet it says in the bible that no man knows when judgement day will be. So how did these people really figure this out? Do they really know what God is thinking? I personally find that very hard to believe. My best advice.. make sure your heart and soul are well with God. Whether it be May 21, 2011..or July 1, 2096..or any other ridiculously chosen day, if your heart isnt right with God before the time happens then it may have just been too late. I really wonder what will happen next, if the world doesnt end on May 21, will they change their date and try to con some more money out of the suckers in this country? I sure hope not. Fact of the matter is..when it happens it happens and there is absolutely nothing anyone can do to change that.  So if any of you are stupid enough to buy into this of luck to you! If your going to stress over your last days..please forget I exist as i do not need to hear any whining or crying or bitching.. I say live it up.. have the time of your life and if you have children, love them dearly. I mean hey, worst case scenario, they were wrong and instead of wasting all that time worrying, you had fun and made some wonderful memories. And if their right, then hey you went out with a bang!! Oh yeah party on my house May 20th. (: and again on the 22nd (:  And now for all my "FRIENDS". Read carefully and maybe, just maybe you will be able to figure out on your own if I am talking about you as I would rather not have to explain myself 50 times. There are a select few of my friends that I love dearly and would do anything for. If you really wonder if this is you, feel free to text me or message me and I will let you know (: If you are one of the chosen ones please dont take offense to what I am about to say to everyone else.. FUCK OFF!!!!!! K I feel better now... Seriously though I am sick and tired of doing favors for those who never return the favor. I have so many "friends" that are my friend as long as it benefits them. But when it comes time that i truly need something or even just someone to listen..their never there. I am getting really pissed off with tht fact that everyone will do whatever they can to get ahead and then just abuse our "friendship." Im pretty sure this should be easy for those to figure out because I am sure by now Ive already touched a few nerves. Good. The bible also says Do unto others as you would have them do to you.. So I try my best to be the best friend that I can and be there for my friends when they need me, and yet it never comes back to me. If I call someone for a favor they need paid, even though I have done a very similar favor several times and never recieved a dime.. thats why they are favors.. Well I am done with favors. Period. And for my last bit of religious insight for today.. Amongst the 10 commandments you will find ..Thou shalt not kill! but no matter how many times I have read them I have yet to find Thou shalt not beat someone repetitively about the head and face (: Hope all you cocksuckers have a wonderful night!!

Suicidal Tendencies, Bitches, and Bananas

Ok well im at it again...Several times throughout my lifetime i have sat down and thought long and hard about suicide. Do i want to kill myself?..Fuck no..I am awesome. I love myself dearly and nobody will ever be as fanfuckintastic as me.(from my point of view at least). And also, it is illegal to commit suicide so if you fail they can arrest you. Is this not the most idiotic thing you have ever heard. Someone who hates their life bad enough to try to end it fails, making it more miserable, and then they go to prison....yea that will make it all better  lol...But seriously, I get depressed sometimes, I get pissed off at the world but ya know what im human. I dont need medicated or SSI or time of work. I just remind myself that such is life and im adult so its time to step up n get over it. Then I sit back n think about how awesome I am and it makes me feel much better.. And for the where to start..most people around here fit this category. Anyone can run their mouth and start drama, but not very many people around here will step up when the time is right. You see a woman getting beat by a man along the road, what do you do? Honestly? Most people would turn away or possibly call the police at best and yet with an average response time of 1 to 4 minutes, how much pain does she need to suffer because you were too ignorant or pussified to stop it?.. And now more bitches... people who think their shit doesnt stink...lmfao you are the worst. Everyone knows at least 1 or 10 of these bitches. The ones who think the world should bow down at the ground before them, I would like to piss in their face (: And quite honestly I hope I have the opportunity...And then theres the bitches who will do everything they can to avoid you. Its time for me to reclaim all my property from said individuals. And I am going to make this a very short process. I stopped at 1 house today and to no avail. I will go back one more time to get my belongings and when the bitch hides this time imma turn his world inside out. And then i will move on to the next bitch who owes me...and so on and so forth untill all of you bitches begin to realize its not worth being a bitch. hopefully by the time I am through you will no longer have to be a bitch and you can be a grown man and then people can treat you like a human being instead of the worthless scum you have become. I bet your parents are proud. And this brings me to another topic i would absolutely love to get off my chest... Bananas... I love bananas..end of story (:

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Charity, Gambling, and other meaninful nonsense

Ok so another day and another wonderful thought process. My daughter Katrina has recently got involved with a mathathon through her school. all the proceeds go to benefit St. Judes childrens hospital. I was actually very upset to see that so far she has only raised $10. With the internet and Facebook (theres a link to her page on my wall) recieving donations should be a much easier process then when i was a child. This has caused my brain to start going into overdrive once more.  Why is it that we can go to Las Vegas or Atlantic City and gamble our lives away, or even go to the local convenience store and spend our entire check on Lottery, but its so hard to give money to an organization that can really use it. If anybody had a child requiring any special treatment im positive that they would not have any issue asking others for assistance. I actually know several people whose lives have been changed and children given a second chance at a normal life because of such programs. The powerball jackpot is determined by the amount of actual sales and if anyone happened to notice it is an outrageous amount of money, therefore meaning they are selling an outrageous amount of tickets. Some people only spend $1 each time theres a drawing, constituting $2 per week. That is $104 per year per person. If only 1 million people would go without buying one ticket a week and donate that money to a charitable organization that is $52 million a year. Wow! its amazing what a measly dollar can do. So onto a lighter note.. I wonder why we as a society chose to have weathermen on the news. These people are so full of shit and yet they get paid fairly well, for what is at best an educated guess.. Take today for instance, as of last night they said 46 degrees and partly cloudy today. EPIC FAIL..not even close. at best it was 43, (for a breif period of time) and very cloudy with minor amounts of rain all day here. Wow..can someone please pay me to make mistakes..that would be fantastic. "Uhhh yeah i think it will be between 30 and 95 degrees with a 50% chance of some kind of precipitaion tomorrow:..That will be $49.99 please (:

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

The System....

I dont know about the rest of the country but i know here in Altoona there seems to be a thought process that everyone should live off the system.  I personally believe that if a person is recieving child support that they should be required to have a job as well.  If you recieve welfare assistance you should be required to submit to "pre assistance" as well as random drug screening. This would drastically cut down the budget problems we are facing. Also people should remember it is welfare ASSISTANCE. not a way of life. That system was designed and put into place to assist people in times of hardship. Your entire adult life is not hardship. If you choose to be wortheless n  not work then the government should choose to let you suffer the consequences of such actions. The wortheless people that live off of the system forever are making life so much more difficult for those who actually just need a little assistance getting by sometimes. And Social this one really touches home as i know several people who abuse this system and to be quite frank.. Fuck You all. I would like to retire someday and at the rate we are going this "luxury" will be impossible. If you are capable of working then work. If you studied any kind of technical trade and passed..then guess what..your capable. I know people who get up and go to work everyday of their lives even though they have suffered injury, or disease, even people who honestly have good reason not to work, just because they had good morales taught to them. And children..hyper children..really? It costs no more to raise a hyper child than any other child on the face of this planet and yet our government will freely hand their parents money...? wow!! Taking a guess, from what i hear an average ssi check is roughly $700 a month. Almost $9000 a year..well it looks to me that in PA only if we reevaluated the system and took the ssi away from only 100 undeserving individuals, they would save over $840,000 in just one year. Imagine if they redid the entire system how much money could be saved. And trust me folks there are plenty of jobs out there..maybe not your dream job or career of choice but without all the little people the world would stop. If they would raise the bar a little our economy and outlook of the future would greatly improve, but God forbid we would offend someone or hurt their poor little feelings by making them EARN a living like everyone else. So in closing i say this if you are one of those people out there collecting SSI for no good reason..or living on WELFARE just beacause you can, or making a living on CHILD SUPPORT..I truly hope you die a slow painful miserable death so that in your time of pain and despair you can reflect on how much of a piece of shit you are and all of the negative effects that you helped impose on society.

So..on to some racial suggestions

I am totally perplexed by the racial complexity of society anymore. African American? WTF is this...either your african or your american. period. end of sentence. If you were born in america then your a fucking american just like me and all the other americans living in this country everyday. stop tryin to use the fact that you are black as a lame ass fucking excuse as to why you should be a worthless piece of shit the rest of your life.  I mean hell, i am of irish decent..therefore am i really an Irish american? does this mean that i have a right to get drunk everyday and possibly get behind the wheel and kill someone just because somewhere along the lines the irish became known for their drinkin...Fuck no! I am an american. I was born in this country and i chose to live here so therefore i must conform to society's rules, ways of life etc. So from now on whenever i hear some worthless fuck boo hoo cryin about being african american or asian american or mexican american I am going to follow you to your house or development or whereever the hell it is you live and i will personally pack your belongings and drive you to one of our country's borders, dump you out on the side of the road and wish you good luck as you start your life over somewhere other then america. Go take advantage of someone elses system for awhile n see how that works out for you. Yes your ancestors may have been brought to this country unwillingly, or jumped our borders to get here..but generations later you are still chosing to live in this great land, so stop abusing the privilege. theres always opportunity if you would like to go back to where your family originated and make a better life for yourself... P.S.  Let me know how it goes for ya and when your going cuz id love to get video (:

Monday, March 14, 2011

Life in Altoona

Well here goes...So many people i know or come across in my daily life bitch about living in this town. I have a solution to all your troubles..MOVE.  Haha seriously, everyone always has some lame ass excuse as to why they stay, well fact of the matter is if you are choosing to stay here then you're staying for a reason and that reason should be enough cause for you to shut the hell up n get over it. Let me enlighten you to a few facts about this horrible little place we call home.. #1.. The educational standards of the AASD are some of the highest in the country. is there room for improvement, of course but i feel their doing a pretty damn good job. #2.. Even tho most of you would find it hard to believe, the economy in Blair county is actually doing fairly well compared to most parts of the country. Yes everything is getting more expensive and blah blah blah, but overall as a community we are doing well. #3.. Major crime is significantly lower here than it is in many parts of our country. Yes folks there is crime here, and it seems more of it everyday, but the violent crimes and hardcore crime rate is much lower here, making it a relatively safe place to live....I could go on for days but that is the short version of what i have to say. So to sum up my feelings for the day..if your life is sooo terrible here..there are many roads leading out of this town so cut your ties pack your shit and get the hell out.  

Hi folks

So yea definitely new to the whole blog thing but i think it will be a fun way to express myself to those who love me, those who hate me, and the rest of you freaks too (: have a nice day