Saturday, March 19, 2011
Children and some religious insight
I am confused when i look at children anymore. I for one happen to love kids. I am very blessed with the children I have and am looking forward to the newset addition this July. Some people however act as though their children are a burden to them. If this is the case, go get fixed, or stop fucking. Its really not a hard problem to fix. There are so many children out there that have very little or no discipline in their lives and it makes me sick. My 4 year old daughter listens better than alot of kids twice her age or more. Is it because I am mean..maybe you should ask her yourself because I am the furthest thing from mean to my child and she loves and respects me fo that. It humors me that at 4 years old my child knows about respect and yet alot of children and even teens have no clue what it is. This was proven to me today as i was driving down the road and a approximately 10 year old niglet walked across the road in front of my truck. He didnt even make any attempt at trying to hurry. What does this have to do with respect you ask? His parents obviously didnt teach him anyting about crossing a street or having respect for vehicles/ traffic. He walked across the raod taking his time while expressing his cocky little attitude, this is an easy respect issue to fix. My 12,000lb truck will certainly demand repect when the paramedics are pealing his black ass off the front bumper.. I mean honestly, do parents not worry about their children? Several months ago me and my daughter ( 3yrs old at the time) were on our way back from tyrone on old rt. 220, when a teenage boy ran across the road in front of us.. My daughter says in a perfectly calm voice.."Daddy that boy is stupid"/and why do you say this.."because he isnt holding someones hand across the street"..I had to chuckle a little bit because my 3 year old was smarter then the teenage boy, but as i thought about it, when i was a teenage boy I wouldnt wanna hold my parents hands while walking across the road. But I was also taught not to run in front of cars lol.. Do parents not worry about their children or care about them? Because my daughter is my world and I would do anything to prevent her from being hurt, and she knows how much she means to me and she respects what i tell her. I honestly have no problem whatsoever leaving my child play on my sidewalk or in the parking lot at the garage, because she respects me and my rules as well as she has been taught a certain respect and fear of things she has no control over such as vehicles. And by no means am i saying that children should be made to fear their parents, but I do firmly believe that love, fear, and respect are all required to maintain any kind of healthy relationship. My daughters biggest fear is making her daddy mad. Not because she is afraid of being beaten because I have never, but because she "doesnt want her daddy to be mad because she loves him." If more parents cared about the lives of their children the way i do i thinkchildren would be raised alot differently then what I see everyday. anyone ready for some Religious insight? Haha oh well...;.Here it comes......It has recently came to my attention that a "religious group" is claiming that the world is going to end on May 21, 2011... Wow, i hope their right. I am not an overly religious person and i no longer go to church for some kind of messed up personal reasons, but even though alot of you may find it hard to believe, I do believe in God and I believe that we will all have to answer to him one day. This group of yahoos is claiming to have done research on the topic and determined this date through biblical reference. Yet it says in the bible that no man knows when judgement day will be. So how did these people really figure this out? Do they really know what God is thinking? I personally find that very hard to believe. My best advice.. make sure your heart and soul are well with God. Whether it be May 21, 2011..or July 1, 2096..or any other ridiculously chosen day, if your heart isnt right with God before the time happens then it may have just been too late. I really wonder what will happen next, if the world doesnt end on May 21, will they change their date and try to con some more money out of the suckers in this country? I sure hope not. Fact of the matter is..when it happens it happens and there is absolutely nothing anyone can do to change that. So if any of you are stupid enough to buy into this of luck to you! If your going to stress over your last days..please forget I exist as i do not need to hear any whining or crying or bitching.. I say live it up.. have the time of your life and if you have children, love them dearly. I mean hey, worst case scenario, they were wrong and instead of wasting all that time worrying, you had fun and made some wonderful memories. And if their right, then hey you went out with a bang!! Oh yeah party on my house May 20th. (: and again on the 22nd (: And now for all my "FRIENDS". Read carefully and maybe, just maybe you will be able to figure out on your own if I am talking about you as I would rather not have to explain myself 50 times. There are a select few of my friends that I love dearly and would do anything for. If you really wonder if this is you, feel free to text me or message me and I will let you know (: If you are one of the chosen ones please dont take offense to what I am about to say to everyone else.. FUCK OFF!!!!!! K I feel better now... Seriously though I am sick and tired of doing favors for those who never return the favor. I have so many "friends" that are my friend as long as it benefits them. But when it comes time that i truly need something or even just someone to listen..their never there. I am getting really pissed off with tht fact that everyone will do whatever they can to get ahead and then just abuse our "friendship." Im pretty sure this should be easy for those to figure out because I am sure by now Ive already touched a few nerves. Good. The bible also says Do unto others as you would have them do to you.. So I try my best to be the best friend that I can and be there for my friends when they need me, and yet it never comes back to me. If I call someone for a favor they need paid, even though I have done a very similar favor several times and never recieved a dime.. thats why they are favors.. Well I am done with favors. Period. And for my last bit of religious insight for today.. Amongst the 10 commandments you will find ..Thou shalt not kill! but no matter how many times I have read them I have yet to find Thou shalt not beat someone repetitively about the head and face (: Hope all you cocksuckers have a wonderful night!!
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She's respectful and obedient now .. give it 10yrs then we'll talk LOL