Yes boys n girls its come time to vent again. First off all of you bitches who bitch about your werent bitchin when you were layin on your back so remember it wasnt their choice to be here.. n while im at it..all you pieces of shit who use "im a stay at home mom..that is my job" as an excuse for being such a piece of shit..noone cares..we all know the truth, that u really are just a piece of shit. I am now a stay at home dad..for now.. I love every minute of it. and for those of you who can do it and enjoy it Im glad for you! just remember its not a job..its quality time with your family who you chose to bring into this world...
So now onto some pride, prejudice, and general stupid shit.
Today was 9/11/11...10 years since some dickwads decided to try to destroy our nation. I have alot of respect for the bravery of everyone involved on that day in 2001. Alot of Fireman, Police, Dads, Moms, etc.. died that day for no real reason at all... now..what bothers me about this... Everyone seems to wanna know if you remember where u were that morning. Does it really fucking matter people? The only people who it really matters where they were, were the first responders in New York, Shanksville, and Washington. Other then those people who were out there putting there lives on the line who really gives a shit. Seriously lets assume you were at home getting it on..or smoking crack for that matter..what did that do for all the people who died that day? Or their families who deal with the pain every single day? Not a damn thing. So i personally think instead of focusing on where we all were that morning, that we should get over ourselves and realize its not always about you. Take a moment to think about all the men and women who showed up to those tragedies that morning and the pain they are still dealing with every day of their lives. And on another note..I read several posts on facebook today about how 9/11 made "us" stronger and more unified..blah blah blah...I call bullshit...lets assume there is another tragedy..lets say..a hurricane..or flood... how many of my friends will stick their neck out to help others out? How many would be willing to put their own life on the line to save the life of even 1 other person..a stranger? I really dont see how it made "us" stronger when most of you dont even have the courage to walk outside and make a difference when u hear a man and woman fighting in the street. Or you see a couple teenagers dealing drugs or destroying your local park..I have the utmost respect for our nations military men and women, but other then those people..our country is anything but unified. I personally think that everyone who posted such messages should really sit back n think about their lives and reevaluate where they stand. I would actually love to see our country come together and become stronger and support n help each other.. but it seems that will never happen and every day we just seem to continue in the opposite direction. Hmm...time for a break..more to follow in a few